Midhurst Location
(705) 503-4441
Mapleview Location
(705) 733-2922
Spinal Decompression/Traction Therapy has been a proven treatment for spinal conditions over the previous 20 years. Conditions such as sciatica, disc herniations/bulging, facet joint syndrome, spinal stenosis and nerve root impingement to name a few can be effectively treated and managed with this therapy.
The Spinal Decompression Therapy system reduces pain and restores function by placing a measured force through the desired area of the spine, effectively reducing disc and facet joint pressure, relieving nerve root compression and reducing related muscle spasm.
The patient is comfortably fitted on the specialized spinal decompression bed with a lumbar or cervical spine harness. Treatment durations may range from fifteen to forty minutes depending on the individuals condition. This treatment is provided by our experienced Physiotherapists who have combined 40 year history with this effective treatment.
If you have any questions regarding Spinal Decompression Therapy, please contact our office and we will be happy to discuss this treatment option with you.